Sunday, March 12, 2006

Magical Three Months

Oscar is now just a few days away from turning three months old. Experienced mothers seem to refer to this particular milestone as something completely wonderful, when the endurance marathon of early parenting gives way to a period of easier living in which your offspring transforms from a scarily fragile newborn to a smiling, gurgling, playful little person. Oscar can now amuse himself with his toys for fifteen minutes or so, giving me the chance to perform some of the everyday tasks that I took for granted prior to childbirth (such as brushing my hair, or making a sandwich with two hands).
It's very easy to get into the habit of wishing this special time away in the name of developmental progress ("Won't it be nice when he starts eating/says his first words/wins the Nobel Peace Prize", etc). But I know that when he's too big to snuggle under my chin after he's had his milk, all warm and gorgeous and snuffly with hair as soft as silk and his lovely baby smell wafting up to my nostrils, I will miss those moments so very much.


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