Saturday, May 20, 2006

Mealtime Fun

Oscar has recently started to show some signs of being ready for his first taste of solid nosh (waking up many times at night, doubling the length of his feeds, etc.) So about ten days ago we took the plunge and cracked open the box of baby rice. The phrase "like a duck to water" springs to mind - I think the little mite was a bit hungry - and polished off a large amount. Now my baby weaning book informs me not to expect my child to eat more than a couple of teaspoons at first, but fails to mention what to do when he gobbles down atleast 20 times that amount. Oscar has been enthusiastically demolishing large portions of pumpkin, sweet potato, banana, blueberry and apple, and he's now having two meals a day. Today's delights are carrot at lunchtime and pears for tea. Our kitchen has been transformed into a steaming baby food factory with a hob full of bubbling pans containing organic fruit and veggies, which are carefully divided up into ice cube tray portions and deep frozen for later use (Neil and I currently exist on decidedly non-organic, extra-GM takeaways).
Mealtimes come with predictably hilarious moments, involving spoons jammed up noses, blueberry in the hair, and sweet potato-coloured spit ups on the upholstery. Oscar's wardrobe becomes more colourful every day. I turned my head for a few seconds when feeding him one lunchtime and when I looked back he was dabbing the pumpkin off his face with one of his socks. He obviously objected to the fact that I had not supplied him with a monogrammed napkin.


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